Lynette Yiadom-Boakye's Enigmatic Portraits Show Black Figures That Never Were (9 PICS)

Artist Lynette Yiadom-Boakye paints, almost exclusively, portraits of black figures. More often than not, the person is juxtaposed against a black background, or at least one mired in darkness, allowing the features of the foreground to camouflage with their surroundings, creeping towards invisibility. 

New York's Flex Dancers Test The Limits Of The Human Body (10 PICS)

Photographer Deidre Schoo discovered the underground dance phenomenon by chance, after being blown away by a dancer named Storyboard Professor in Harlem. The Professor told Schoo about Battlefest, the primary destination for extreme Flex meet-ups. Soon after, a photography project came to be.

"The process could be rocky at times," Schoo explained to The Huffington Post. "These are kids, and they are sometimes hard to track down, and keep crazy hours. But I hung around for so long and just kept showing up that, eventually, I was accepted and my presence became the norm. Once that happened, it got fun. The dancers were ready to work with me and really enjoyed the attention."

This Woman Photographed Herself Every Time She Cried For Three Years (17 PICS)

Emily Knecht takes photos of herself pouting. But she’s not puckering her lips sensually, or posing for followers in a way that’s conventionally attractive. Knecht’s selfies aren’t of the promotional or confidence-building variety. They’re a running log of every time she’s cried in the past three years. 

This Comic Book Is The Geeky, Feminist Answer To Bad Dating Advice (8 PICS)

It’s this belief that propelled Nicholson to collect a comic anthology of female writers -- The Secret Loves of Geek Girls -- who will use the medium to tell their personal dating stories. It’s fairly common for female writers and illustrators to abandon the strictures and world-building of fantasy to tell more straightforward stories in comic publishing today. Of course, Allison Bechdel’s Fun Home was adapted into a Tony-winning play, but there are scores of others who’ve followed suit, including Anya Ulinich’s Lena Finkle’s Magic Barrel, a New York Times notable book that tackles the hurdles of online dating as an adult. 

Fat Cat Art by Svetlana Petrova (7 PICS)

A bizarre but strangely wonderful concept of classic paintings and fine art work 'improved' by a fat ginger cat, Fat Cat Art is rapidly growing its online fan base.

The pieces are the work of Russian artist Svetlana Petrova who features her own cat Zarathustra in every picture.

From the Venus by Sandro Botticelli getting a feline makeover, to the Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile suddenly being explained by the presence of a cat on her lap, these furry reinterpretations of some of the most well known art in history have captured the imagination of thousands.

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