Skindeep By Julien Palast (10 PHOTOS)

In his project Skindeep, French photographer Julien Palast studies the body and the human form in a very unique way. Generally an advertising and still life photographer, Palast went in a new direction with this portrait series. For each image, he wrapped male and female models in vibrant colors and gradients that created what he describes as "instant bas reliefs recalling of the classic imagery."

Day of redheads - Breda

On the first weekend of September in the Dutch city of Breda held its annual festival "Day of redheads." Take part in the festival can only red-haired people. The festival was founded by local artist Bart Rauvenhorstom looking for owners of red hair for his paintings.

Festival in 2012 attracted more than 1500 people from 52 countries. During the festival, visitors are invited to participate in photo shoots, competitions and listen to lectures on the red hair. Participants of this event really be proud of their hair: such as they are, the world only 1%. According to the conclusions of scientists, a couple of hundred years, the red-haired people do not stand in the world.

Illustrations by Stina Persson

Stina Persson is an incredibly talented illustrator from Sweden. She works in a wide range of mediums and techniques (photography, water color, paper, ink etc.). See below some of her fantastic work and visit her website to admire her entire portfolio.


Illustrations by Brian Scott

Brian Scott is a self taught artist, drawing with coloured pencils. He comes from the United Kingdom and convinced with breathtaking portraits full of emotions


Movie posters with one letter removed

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West Indian Day Parade 2012

Thousands of people dressed in their best and brightest flocked to the streets of Brooklyn to celebrate Caribbean culture at the annual West Indian Day parade on Sept. 3, 2012.